How to best store eggs

Eggs should preferably be placed in the door of the refrigerator. To find out whether a raw egg is still edible, immerse it in a glass of cold water. If the egg sinks all the way to the bottom of the glass and stays there, this means that you can eat it. It should preferably be consumed not raw but cooked, e.g. boiled. If it floats to the surface, this means that it is no longer good and must be thrown away. Over the course of time, the interior of an egg dries out, and the air bubbles underneath the shell increase in size.

As a general rule, eggs will keep for at least 28 days after being laid. However, even after they have reached their use-by date, eggs can still be eaten provided they are fully cooked. In such cases, it’s best first of all to immerse them in a cup of water and check their smell and appearance.

To keep hard-boiled eggs for longer, don’t soak them in cold water after cooking them (anyway, this does not make them easier to peel). The difference in temperature can cause little cracks to form in the shell, allowing bacteria to penetrate the interior of the eggs.

If you are working with raw eggs, for example to prepare a mousse or mayonnaise, it is essential to use eggs that are very fresh. For the preparation of desserts or dishes made with raw eggs, it’s important that the cold chains should not be interrupted. Leftovers will keep in the refrigerator for a maximum of one day.


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