Concerning waste and use

The Jugendtreff Käl-Téiteng is – together with the “Déifferdenger Pléckerten” – the winner of the Ministry of Agriculture’s 2020 call for projects against food waste. The aim of those responsible is to become a zero waste youth centre. The young people learn, especially when shopping and cooking, to rethink and, if necessary, change the way they use food. The documentaries they watch together provide them with the basic knowledge to make informed decisions as consumers.

Cooking workshops in which they work with imperfect vegetables and leftovers show them that not all foods necessarily have to look unblemished to taste good and that you can always cook something delicious with leftovers.

The young people take these messages home and thereby influence the way their parents treat food. They also discuss the issue of food waste, and what can be done about it, in the society, for example at theme evenings to which the citizens of the community are invited.